The School of the Possible is an experiment in self-organizing a generative, creative, possibility-oriented community. We begin by creating a third space for Possibilitarians to connect and share their inspirations, fledgeling ideas, and creative projects. The best way to connect with this community is to join one of our Friday Campfire calls, an informal, interactive, conversational forum where we share things that are inspiring our creative energy.
If you enjoy the Campfire call, you might want to consider becoming a member of our community, where we host Collaboratories twice a month.
What is a Collaboratory? Newborn things need a safe place to play and explore and learn about the world. It’s the same with new ideas and explorations. People are often skeptical of new ideas or even threatened by them. A desire to stand out is in conflict with the status quo. Collaboratories provide a safe place where defenses, explanations, and rationalizations are no longer necessary, where creative people and projects are relieved of the need to defend, to explain, to justify their efforts.
This creative safety is a wonderful feeling.
A campfire generates warmth and light, a shared space around which people can gather, tell stories, and imagine possible futures. It is a beacon to anyone who feels lost and alone, out in the darkness. That is the kind of energy we want to create in the School of the Possible. The number of people may be quite small at first, but the number of people matters less than the energy and enthusiasm they can generate.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead
Pragmatist (and possibilitarian) philosopher William James observed that “faith in a fact can help create the fact.” Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith.